Crunch Time! Get a Jump on Finals!
The semester’s end is quickly approaching. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with a seemingly endless load of projects, papers, and assignments all of which seem to be due right before final exams.
There is a way to get your weekly work done AND begin preparing for finals week simultaneously! Take a few deep breaths and relax.
First things first:
Create a schedule that includes solid blocks of time to do your work (decrease extracurriculars as much as you can).
Attend every scheduled class through the end of the regular semester.
Turn in every assignment on time.
Check online for any missing assignments or grades that have NOT been entered (and you know you did the work). Check with your instructor if you have questions.
Make up any work that the teacher/professor says they will accept, reduced points or not. Every extra point helps and takes pressure off that final exam.
Note in class when your instructor says, “Something like THIS will be on your final”, or “This WILL be on your final.”
Preparing Early for Finals/Projects
Just get started! It’s not too early Pick one thing, begin with 15 minutes and keep increasing in 5 minute increments!
Do the following in steps (not all at once)….
Organize your notes.
Is there a study guide for your test or paper? Begin filling it out, do daily.
Concentrate on studying the things you either DON’T know or slightly know. A quick review of what you know can be done close to the finals day.
Ask your instructor or fellow students if there is something you still don’t understand.
Break down units of information into smaller chunks. Study one chunk at a time.
Outline what you want to put in your final paper/project
Keep an ongoing list of citations on your computer that you can use for your final version.
Make flashcards of important terms and concepts. Quiz yourself a little every day.
After Classes End. The Days Right Before Finals:
Go to any review sessions, office hours, tutoring centers.
Use a study group for extra support
Be healthy! Get good sleep, eat well, and exercise.
DO NOT STUDY THE DAY OF THE TEST. Finish studying the day before the test, and let your mind rest!!!